Wednesday, January 16, 2013

15 & 16 January 2013


The first music class started on the first day of school, which was on the 10th of January.
On Tuesday, he told us that we're going to have an assessment next week, which was to sing a Russian song. He gave us two choices of songs: Katyusha and Dark Eyes. I think I'm going to choose Dark Eyes because I think the lyrics are easier to remember but the notes on that song are either really low or really high for me, so I'm not sure yet.
On Wednesday we did vocal warm-ups before trying to sing Dark Eyes with Mr. Hary. I think those warm-ups really helped me. Mr. John asked the class to sing in front together while Mr. Herry records us with his iPad. I think I didn't do well in singing Dark Eyes because I couldn't reach the notes. It was too high for me to reach.


On Tuesday we didn't have instrument class because we had to be familiar with the two Russian songs.
On Wednesday we had instrument class for about 20 minutes and Mr. John gave the guitar class a score for Deer Hunter. The positions are quite hard to pluck because every time I try, there's always a note that goes mute. I should practice during my spare time.